The Administrative District of the Generalitat de Catalunya has hosted a day to publicize several public initiatives that work to promote the reuse of devices.

Last Thursday, June 20, the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Waste Agency of Catalonia and the Ecoasimelec Foundation organized a day to publicize several public initiatives that work to promote the reuse of digital devices . Within the day 'Positive Devices. The transforming role of public administrations', in the Administrative District of the Generalitat of Catalonia, an exhibition was presented. "Today, we present this exhibition to explain, raise awareness and sensitize about the advantages of reusing mobile devices. The exhibition collects information of interest to citizens, ICT Points and other public administrations. We want it to be a lively, dynamic exhibition that travels around the territory", says Mònica Acebo, technician of the Digital Inclusion and Training Service of the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In this sense, the intention is that it becomes a traveling exhibition and that entities, associations, collectives and institutions can host it in their respective facilities. The TIC Point, for example, is one of the spaces that will be able to have the exhibition. For more information, you can access the initiative's official website .

Also, from the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, a mobile device collection campaign was presented to the Administrative District. "We found that it was a very interesting proposal to do just a one-off two-day campaign and we decided to turn it into a permanent service. We started in June last year. A year later, we have collected around 340 devices", explains María José Martí, manager of the Administrative District of the Generalitat of Catalonia. At the same time, several digital training courses were dynamised. "We have organized several training pills closely linked to the initiative, such as, for example, to learn how to delete data", adds Martí.

The day also included an institutional welcome by Anna Barnadas, General Secretary of Climate Action of the Generalitat of Catalonia, an inspirational talk by journalist Glòria Pallarès and the round table 'Let's take action. How do we promote it from the Administration?' where the areas of work and synergies between the Public Administration and mobile device manufacturers were announced. Likewise, two tables of good practices were energized with experiences from institutions, entities and universities.

The exhibition 'Positive Devices. Long live mobiles' consists of eight informative panels of 90x200 centimeters. Members of the Punt TIC Network can request it at