The General Directorate of Digital Society of the Generalitat de Catalunya has presented a new call to promote the digital empowerment of older people from all over the territory.

Image of the 'More Digital' program
Image of the 'More Digital' program. 2024. Font: 'More Digital' Program. License: All rights reserved.

The General Directorate of Digital Society of the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia has launched a new call to promote the digital empowerment of older people from all over the territory and promote digital inclusion. Aimed at companies or entities linked to training in digital skills, the new call for training services for citizens is part of the Shock Plan against the Digital Divide 2024-2025 promoted by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia and forms part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union through the NextGeneration program.

The new call is looking for companies or entities that want to promote small trainings, which will be free, face-to-face and aimed at people over 60 and other people in vulnerable situations. The courses will have a total duration of fifteen hours and will be carried out in small groups. Specifically, the new call for training services for citizens will offer three different training itineraries that will be adapted to the previous digital knowledge of the participants: 'Discover the digital world', 'Move through the digital world' and 'Go into in the digital world'. Upon completion, a certificate will be issued.

The 'Més Digitals' program, which wants to become a versatile, inclusive program that pursues capillarity in the territory, has a budget of 22.7 million euros that will be used to promote the digital empowerment of more of 90,000 people through more than 9,000 courses that will be taught throughout Catalonia to help citizens achieve basic skills in the digital field and at the same time improve their quality of life through the use of technologies in a safe, inclusive, sustainable, democratic and equitable. Along these lines, this May, a pilot test is being carried out at points in Barcelona, Lliça d'Amunt, Canovelles and Parets del Vallès.

The deadline for submitting applications will end next Monday, July 1, at 2 p.m.

For more information, you can access the official publication on the public procurement website.