The initiative offers ten digital professionals the possibility of working remotely for two weeks in October at the HèPIC coworking space, the innovation hub of the Conselh Generau.

Image of the 'Catalunya Rural Hub' in the Aran Valley
Image of the 'Catalunya Rural Hub' in the Aran Valley. 2024. Font: General Council of Aran.

With the desire to encourage entrepreneurship in order to combat depopulation in the rural world, the 'Catalunya Rural Hub' is emerging in the Aran Valley. The initiative offers a total of ten digital professionals the possibility to work remotely for two weeks at the HèPIC coworking space, the innovation hub of the Conselh Generau d'Aran , and interact with the economic and social fabric of Aran. Specifically, the experience will take place between October 14 and October 27 in Vielha. Registrations to be able to opt for one of these ten places are open. Interested persons can register through this link online till 31st August.

In this sense, self-employed professionals, employees of companies in the technological sector and staff of the Public Administration can register. At the time of selection, criteria such as, for example, gender (representativeness of both genders is sought), age (the multiplicity of profiles at different moments in life is promoted) and the collective in which they belong to (variety of types of company and roles within them are sought). For two weeks, the participants will have free accommodation, a coworking space, participation in a cyber security congress and a program of activities that will allow them to discover the magnificent environment, the fantastic culture and the companies and initiatives.

The initiative is the continuation of the project started three years ago by the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation to attract professionals in the digital field to rural areas with the aim of promoting the rooting talent, combating depopulation and boosting the economy of these territories. This year, the General Council of Aran takes over. The objective of the initiative is to promote the exchange of knowledge to make the decision to bet on a life in the rural environment experiencing an improvement in the quality of life compatible with professional development.