Dia de l'Internet Segura 2020
Dia de l'Internet Segura 2020. Author: Safer Internet Day 2020. 2020. License: All rights reserved.

The day, organized by INSAFE / INHOPE with the support of the European Commission , gathers millions of people with the aim of promoting positive change and raising awareness about Internet security , by conducting different events and activities.

The Day of the Internet Segura (Safer Internet Day (SID) in the original English) was proposed in 2004 as part of the European Union within the project SafeBorders. It is currently celebrated in 140 countries.

Each country will be able to participate through a driving organization. At the level of Spain is the European organization Internet Safe for Kids (IS4K) , the Internet Security Center for minors.

The Generalitat of Catalonia through the Internet Safe portal joins this initiative. We are encouraged to follow the campaign on social media with the slogan 'On the Internet, with civility'.

If you are curious about what happened in the 2019 edition, you can consult the web archive as well as visit the Facebook and Twitter and Instagram profiles to keep up with the latest news and actions of the campaign and follow the tags # SID2020. or #SaferDay.

Do you plan to organize any activity in your ICT Point related to the safe and positive use of digital technologies? You can check the section on educational resources to get ideas and / or materials!

You can register your initiative for Safer Internet Day 2020 at this link .