The Famílies TIC blog has eleven resources to promote the critical use of information and communication technologies among the different members of the family. Check them out!

Image of family
Image of family. 2021. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

Last July, the Famílies TIC blog was launched with the aim of helping families to promote the critical use of information and communication technologies in the childhood, in the adolescence and in the youth. Currently, the blog has eleven interesting resources distributed in four areas: prevention and awareness, support for families, screen addictions and cyber security.

These holidays can become an opportunity to delve into the digital support of the different members of the family. Since there is no single magical solution, the methodology of trial and error is recommended in order to find which formula best adapts to each home. In this sense, we invite you to immerse yourself in the resources, experience them and above all to see the digitally responsible steps in your family.

To continue, we encourage you to consult the list of resources distributed in four areas of incidence: prevention and awareness, support for families, screen addictions and cyber security.

