The new edition of the summer campus 'L'Estiu a l'Òmnia' has had around fifty dynamic participants, who have been able to share experiences, views and interests. Discover more!

Image of artificial intelligence
Image of artificial intelligence. 2021. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

During the last three Fridays of July, the facilitators of the Xarxa Òmnia were able to participate in a new edition of the 'L'Estiu a l'Òmnia' summer camp. This year, the training proposal was a new opportunity for the facilitators of the Xarxa Òmnia to delve into the challenges of artificial intelligence. In total, around fifty energizing people from the Xarxa Òmnia participated, who were able to share experiences, views and interests around artificial intelligence.

Specifically, the first session featured Paula Boet from Barcelona City Council, who introduced the term artificial intelligence with its definition and its history and talked about its applications in the day to day and its uses such as, for example, in applications, public administration or medicine. Boet also elaborated on the dark side of artificial intelligence in terms of its purpose and operating criteria. Then, the second session had Paula Guerra from the Algorace entity, who presented the work of the entity showing artificial intelligence as a mechanism of racialization and automation of inequality. Along these lines, Guerra presented some examples of the link between racism and artificial intelligence in the current systems of welfare, education and sexist violence.

Then, the third session became a space to share experiences and to debate the impact of artificial intelligence on the Xarxa Òmnia. In this sense, four facilitators participated: Marc Rodas from the Punt Òmnia Fundació Marianao (where artificial intelligence and digital training workshops are carried out), Fermín Santano from the Punt Òmnia Radia Perlman (where carry out artificial intelligence workshops and digital creations in penitentiary centres), Maria Cristina Segura from Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badia del Vallès (where artificial intelligence workshops are carried out with the elderly) and David Gateu from the Punt Òmnia Valls Vallsgenera (where artificial intelligence workshops are held with citizens).