Next Tuesday, October 10, Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated. From the Xarxa Punt TIC, we want to bring his figure closer and make his fantastic professional career known. Dive in!

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Annually, on the second Tuesday of October, Ada Lovelace Day is celebrated, with the aim of reclaiming the figure of the first female programmer. This year, the appointment will be next Tuesday, October 10. In this context, from the Xarxa Punt TIC, we want to bring his figure closer and make known his fantastic professional career in the world of technology, science and mathematics. Also, on the occasion of the ephemeral, the aim is to promote technological vocations among girls and young women, as well as to vindicate leading women.

So, Ada Lovelace was a British mathematician and writer recognized as the first female computer programmer. Ada Lovelace, who was born on December 10, 1815, and died on November 27, 1852, carried out painstaking research on a mechanical calculator devised by the mathematician and engineer Charles Babbage. With this tool, Ada Lovelace developed a computer program using a coded algorithm to be processed by a machine. This program made it possible to calculate a sequence of rational numbers developed by the mathematician Jacob Bernoulli and, consequently, laid the foundations of programming and modern computing.