On Mondays, at 6 p.m., on RàdioSeu, technological concepts such as streaming, streaming or geolocation are explained in plain, simple and clear terms. Essential!

Image of RàdioSeu
Image of RàdioSeu. 2023. Font: RàdioSeu. License: All rights reserved.

The Punt Òmnia de La Seu d'Urgell and the local radio of La Seu d'Urgell, RàdioSeu, promote the '@TIC' podcast. Specifically, on Mondays, at 6 p.m., technological concepts are explained in plain, simple and clear words. The collaboration arose in 2022 when the director of RàdioSeu, Marta Pujantell, encouraged the facilitator of the Punt Òmnia de La Seu d'Urgell, Ester Collado, to delve into the world of radio. «With RàdioSeu, we have a great relationship. Quarterly, at Punt Òmnia, we offer training and they always help us with the dissemination», explains Collado. In this sense, the initiative began its second season on air last September and consists of the recording of two-minute or three-minute learning pills. «I try to give as concise a definition as possible of key concepts in the technological field so that everyone can understand it. Lately, we've talked about streaming, streaming or geolocation», says Collado.

Although the pills are broadcast live on Mondays, at 6 p.m., on RàdioSeu, they can later be retrieved on the local radio website. They can also be recovered on the Punt Òmnia de La Seu d'Urgell website and its networks. «When they proposed it to me, I thought no one would listen to me, but many people do. Maybe not live, but they do get it back through the web or the networks. It's a beautiful collaboration. I think networking is important and pills, even though it's a small thing, are a way to network. Also, they are an action towards the community, a little more grain of sand», points out Collado.