The aim will be to encourage digital transformation and digital specialization and the focus will be placed especially on the fields of assistance robotics and artificial intelligence. Read it!

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Image of woman. 2021. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

Recently, the Generalitat de Catalunya has received 29.3 million euros from the European recovery funds for the financing of three projects of the RETECH program. In this sense, the aim of the initiative will be to encourage digital transformation and digital specialization, focusing especially on three fields: the field of female digital entrepreneurship, the field of assistance robotics and the field of intelligence artificial intelligence

Within the field of female digital entrepreneurship, the Generalitat de Catalunya will promote the TechFabLab, a project that seeks to reduce the gender gap in information and communication technologies, make female talent visible and promote female leadership in technological field. Within the field of assistance robotics, the Generalitat de Catalunya will promote initiatives that work to promote digital transformation in the field of health and will finance projects to promote active aging and to strengthen people's autonomy adults in healthcare contexts. Within the field of artificial intelligence, the Generalitat de Catalunya will promote the Network of Artificial Intelligence Hubs, a project that seeks to enhance productive and business talent, generate alliances and synergies between the scientific and academic communities and promote the growth, development and evolution of emerging companies in the territory.

According to the European recovery funds, the projects will have to be implemented before the year 2026.