Portada del llibre: Programari lliure i de codi obert
Portada del llibre: Programari lliure i de codi obert. Author: La Xarxa d’Innovació Pública. 2016. Font: La Xarxa d’Innovació Pública.

The Innovation Network Public (CHIP) presented the book Free Software and Open Source - free and open government company , which includes 24 articles written by experts from different fields with the aim of providing a 360-degree view on which is actually free software and open source (free and open source software - FOSS) and how today is transforming our world and empowering us as individuals, as groups and as a society.

As the promoters say:

Today, large online repositories allow us access to open source and invite us to reuse, modify, improve, adapt and install programs provided by existing universal large communities of users. Surprisingly, much of this code is contributed by corporations and governments around the world.

The book allows us to understand the possibilities and benefits of working with open source software. These benefits have an impact on society and promoters of the book look administrations realize the enormous potential of this work on the basis of freedom, which should be an essential part of the ecosystem of open government that all pursue.

The book contains articles that shed light on some myths and misconceptions about this type of software. The publication, which involved members of the Red Point (ICT Francesc Rambla, or Mayrhofer Martina Nuria Alonso) can be found at this link .