At Ràdio Tàrrega, the Punt Òmnia gòTIC - Ajuntament de Tàrrega raises statements or questions related to information and communication technologies. Discover more!

Image of Ramon Oromí
Image of Ramon Oromí. 2023. Font: Punt Òmnia gòTIC - Ajuntament de Tàrrega. License: All rights reserved.

The Punt Òmnia gòTIC - Ajuntament de Tàrrega collaborates periodically with the Ràdio Tàrrega station, energizing a space on technology, culture and digital identity. The 'We Have a Mission' podcast is currently broadcast live on Wednesdays fortnightly. In the first place, Ramon Oromí, the promoter of the Punt Òmnia gòTIC - Ajuntament de Tàrrega, raises a statement or a question related to information and communication technologies and their impact on day-to-day life. Throughout the thirty-minute podcast, Oromí provides data and tools to understand and respond to the challenge. It also has the support of one or two experts in the field being explored. Recently, for example, there has been talk of repair, reuse and the life cycle of electronic devices. At the same time, on Fridays, Ramon Oromí conducts a microcast at Ràdio Tàrrega. Under the title 'Voice Note', Oromí explains concepts in the digital field in a couple of minutes. In this sense, lately, the focus has been on soft Catalan, the mesh network or fedivers.