This virtual community is for organizing and recommending reading, writing reviews, discovering what to read next, and connecting with other readers. It is available in all Spanish languages.

flying books

The project is part of BookWyrm , a social network for keeping track of your reading, talking about books, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. It is a federated social network and this means that it is decentralized, it does not belong to or depend on a company, such as Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Federation allows anyone on BookWyrm to join small, trusted communities that can connect to each other and to other services. One of these communities is Comelibros Club.

With Comelibros Club you can track your reading and discover what other users are reading on your own terms. And most importantly, they are recommendations from people, not algorithms! A més, els idiomes recomanats de la instància són: castellà, gallec, català, euskera, asturià, aranès i anglès. This social network is very much aimed at the public and publishers who speak these languages.

The most interesting thing is that you can share the information with a group of people, make it public or private for yourself. Some of the available options are:

  1. Reading goal: The Comelibros reading challenge consists of setting an annual goal in the amount of books.
  2. Reviews and comments: This is one of the most popular actions. You can rate a book from one to five stars and include it in your readings, comments or quotes. The same book can be in several lists at the same time. You can also review the book, post comments and quotes that you liked. You can control who can see your posts with granular privacy settings.
  3. Lists/library: With this function you can create your reading lists. In this way you can have an organized library. In addition, from your profile you will be able to see all the lists you currently have. And, most important of all, edit them!