The aim will be to deepen and learn about tools, projects and methodologies that place citizens at the center of innovation in order to deal with challenges more efficiently.

Image of hands
Image of hands. 2019. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

Next Tuesday, April 16, the Col·laboratori Catalunya, promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Fundació i2CAT, will organize the meeting 'Temps de Col·laboratoris: impulsant la innovació social digital en l’àmbit local' in the town of Tremp. The day, which will start at 10 am and end at 3 pm, will be held at the Epicentre, Centre de Visitants del Pallars Jussà in Tremp. The aim will be to learn about tools, projects and methodologies that place citizens at the center of innovation in order to deal more efficiently with current social challenges.

The meeting will begin with an institutional welcome by the alcaldessa de Tremp, Sílvia Romero Galera, the directora general de Societat Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Liliana Arroyo Moliner, and the directora de l’Institut per al Desenvolupament i la Promoció de l’Alt Pirineu i Aran (IDAPA), Eva Fiter Cirera. Then, several local success stories linked to digital social innovation will be presented: the 'Tremp-Sat' project with Borja Llàser, the 'Cati, virtual assistant' project with Markus Urban and Ester Collado from the Punt Òmnia del Centre Cívic l'Escorxador - La Seu d'Urgell, the 'Hèpic Hub' project with Lucía González, the 'FIRE-RES Geo Catch App' project with Francesc Viaplana and Erico Kutchartt, the 'Collarets for the monitoring and control of herd attacks in high mountain' with Gabriel Lampreave, the 'More Romanesque' project with Susanna Casanovas and Carles Roca from the Punt TIC del Consell Comarcal de l’Alta Ribagorça and the 'Live broadcast with 5G of events located in hard-to-reach places' project with Marc Orobitg and Albert Crespo. The presentation will be moderated by the regidora de Tecnologia i Societat de la Informació of the Ajuntament de Tremp, Alba Moré. Next, a dynamic of collective mapping of the territory will be articulated. Afterwards, there will be a working lunch and two immersive activities will be tried, an experience with virtual reality glasses to visualize dinosaurs in the Geoparc Àrea Digital Alt Pirineu and a visit to the wall with augmented reality.

Interested persons can register through this link online.