Talk on Women, Science and Technology
Talk on Women, Science and Technology. Author: Oficina Tècnica i de Dinamització. 2021. License: BY-SA.

Throughout the week, 487 encouraging content has been made on the networks showing initiatives, activities and referents of ICT women and girls by different organizations and individuals. Thus, the tweets and posts with the hashtag #DonesTIC, #NoiesTIC and #11FDonesTIC achieved 79.5 thousand screen impressions on Twitter. To Instagram, around 35 posts and stories were shared.

In addition, we conducted a live chat with the winners of the DonesTIC Awards on our YouTube channel with Núria Salan, chemist and PhD in Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering; Agnès Malé Gabarró, student in the second year of the Higher Degree Training Cycle in Administration of computer network systems; Andrea Querol de Porras, researcher at the Barcelona Super Computing Center and Txell Granger, Industrial Technical Engineering and coordinator of the MujerTIC Plan. 32 people participated simultaneously live and since then it has obtained 153 total views on YouTube and 102 on Instagram.

We also made two Kahoot! about Women Scientists and Inventors. A total of 32 people played.

We leave you a compilation of some of the shared messages!