Nova web Internet Segura
Nova Web Internet Segura. 2016. Font: Internet Segura. License: All rights reserved.

Now, when you visit will find a site more dynamic and tailored to different audiences targeted by the project: parents, youth and teachers / s. For each profile you will see a series of guides, resources, videos and games tailored to the preferences and interests of each.

From now you can find today in the section News on topics such as mobile security, cyberbullying, protection of information security in social networks, social engineering, secure online shopping and e-commerce.

Since the project say their aim is "to help resolve conflicts and doubts" that citizens have in their day to day on the Internet in order to get that "new technologies are safer and make the Internet space friendly and open to everyone. "

Safe Internet Program also puts at your disposal a help service where you can report cases of illegal or improper use of the network: cyberbullying, misuse or unauthorized image or personal data from theft identity, sexual harassment in the network (known as grooming), illegal, addictive disorders, etc.

If you are facing any of these cases, you can get in touch with Internet Segura filling the contact form . Or you can call toll-free Child Helpline: 116 111 (available at any time and every day of the year).