Resultats GOW16
Resultats GOW16. 2016. Font: Get Online Week. License: All rights reserved.

According to the organization of the 7th edition of Get Online Week, all the participants in the campaign activities were around 79,000 young people and 12,000 were unemployed. A total of 29 members organized a total of 5100 activities, a number that represents the highest number of allied organizations to enable a new edition of Get Online Week.

In social networks was also the voice of GOW16. They generate almost 1,400 tweets totals that hit a total of three million people. The publications to Facebook T elecentre Europe reached more than 5,100 people iv have generated more than 12,200 views in one week. We leave you with the story transmedia everything that happened on the networks those days!

Since the first edition of Get Online Week 2010, over 15 million Europeans have benefited from the initiative, reflected on the importance of digital training and have found work carried out to telecentres.