Paloma Valdivia, responsable Punt TIC de Palau-solità i Plegamans
Paloma Valdivia, responsable Punt TIC de Palau-solità i Plegamans. Author: Departament de Comunicació de l’Ajuntament de Palau-solità i Plegamans. 2019. License: All rights reserved.
Article published in elButlletí núm.31, Bulletin of municipal information of Palau-solità i Plegamans in July 2019.
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How did the Tic Point of Palau-solità i Plegamans arise?

Punt Tic as a project was born in October 2010 within a project of Palau Avança and after presenting a subsidy to the Generalitat for the concession of the creation of technological points. It was also my project for a master's degree in the University of Management and Planning in Education and at the same time is the permanent project of the ONGD Palau Solidari.

What do you do

The ICT Point is a public space, open to everyone that is divided into three branches. The first branch is to give citizens access to the internet, they do not have, do not want or can not connect or have internet at home. It is also a point of participation where people can come to learn and share among peers, encourage a lot of peer learning from different projects we do; Basic email training, browsing or online security. The third branch is the empowerment of technologies, we want the sovereignty of citizens with respect to technologies, have a critical look, use technologies to change the context, to improve an idea and from this branch also emerged the Demon and Stones Project.

What is this project?

Del Demonio y las Piedras is a project that emerged from a group of people very happy and happy to come to the ITC Point. There was a time when they had finished all the training and I proposed doing something related to the history of the city from which they always spoke. In addition, I noticed that I did not know the entire history of Palau-solità i Plegamans and that is why we decided to add his oral testimonies with the documentary information that we had of the town. We digitized and improved everything thanks to the work of an art historian, who sent us the Palau Avança. This professional gave him validity to work and made the most didactic material.

How it works?

Different points of the village heritage arose and we created three different routes, one basic one, one more around the village and one more extensive. Each point has a QR code with space content, information, didactic exercises, etc. and then you move to another point and so on. Also, people can go to the air, the idea is that there is a map with all the QR points that exist. We added audios recorded by the colleagues of Radio Palau and therefore once you get to a point you can listen to it and read it.

At what point is the project now?

We have made a first presentation to the education forum in front of all the schools and we have remained that we will meet with them to validate the cards so that the activities can be carried out in the schools. Many are based on learning by doing. At the moment, all this is on the project's website and it is open for everyone to use it. We are therefore working together with different areas of the City Council to carry it out. Currently the project is under development, there are no panels with QR codes yet, we are currently testing the routes with the printed codes.