Technology Sector Barometer in Catalonia 2017
Technology Sector Barometer in Catalonia 2017. Author: Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya. 2017.

It is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation of the information and communication technologies sector in Catalonia. It analyzes trends in the sector and offers recommendations and a roadmap for Catalan technology actors.

The 2017 Barometer is the ninth edition of this study. To carry it out, 16 opinion leaders have been interviewed, five focus groups have been carried out and a survey has been conducted that has been answered by almost 1000 companies.

The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya is in charge of developing this analysis and has the support of Barcelona Activa of the Barcelona City Council and the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

From CTecno they encourage all people involved in the technological field to consult the study in order to discover "the latest data on professional talent, optimism in the valuation of the sector and the challenges and recommendations in the technological key".