Trobada territorial del setembre de 2019 a la Seu d'Urgell
Trobada territorial del setembre de 2019 a la Seu d'Urgell . Author: Oficina Tècnica. 2019. License: BY-SA.

With the territorial meeting of this month of October , facilitators, entities close to the Punt TIC Network and people interested, we will share experiences and synergies about social innovation , citizen participation and the territory at Punt TIC-Òmnia de Blanes

The day will be held at the Can Borrell Civic Center (Passatge Mas Borrell 1-3)


10:00 a.m. Welcome institutional and the energizer of Punt TIC of CC de Blanes (Òmnia), Jose Navarro
We will know the space of the TIC-Òmnia de Blanes Point and its projects.

11:00 p.m. Wheel of presentations

11.15 a.m. Breakfast- networking

11.45 h. Dynamics to generate a local network, promote the connection of those attending the XPT, deepen the social capital of the ICT Point and know their commitment to digital social innovation.

1:00 p.m. Presentation of the Cibernàrium On Line programming proposal (Barcelona Activa)

13.15 a.m. Presentation of the training proposal of the Fundació.cat

13:30 a.m. Presentation of projects of other ICT points and entities of the territory

2:00 pm Closing

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