Participants en la JdIS 2017
'Preparem la xarxa per a nous reptes' serà el lema de la JdIS 2018. Author: Oficina Tècnica de la Xarxa PuntTIC. 2017. License: BY-SA.

2018 is a year of changes, renewals and impulse. Focused on digital social innovation, we invite you to this edition of the Day of dynamization of the Social Internet. It will take place in the Bital Space, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, a new facility that we can enjoy from now on.

We are really looking forward to meeting us once again with all of you who are dynamic and dynamic, and also with all those who have common projects: libraries, Catlabs ... So we hope that this call will be a meeting point to start new synergies. impulse of new challenges.

We will meet, among other proposals, the possibilities of the new hardware as well as the methodologies and experiences that our colleagues in the network carry out and which can be inspired by all professionals. We are very keen for our points to become territorial references for citizenship where to find support, support and learning about ICT and innovation.

You can check the program that is very loaded and where we hope you find and choose the one that gives you more interest.

Soon we will open the inscriptions!