Presentació del Baròmetre del Sector Tecnològic a Catalunya 2019
Presentació del Baròmetre del Sector Tecnològic a Catalunya 2019. Author: CTecno. 2019. License: All rights reserved.

The Barometer is an annual study that analyzes the situation of the sector in Catalonia and acts as an excellent framework to generate reflection, debate and future proposals on the reality of the sector and its elasticity, capacity for growth and trends.

The 2018 edition involved 1,025 companies distributed between 499 supply companies and 526 demand companies from the technology sector. They are data of the Barometer of the Technological Sector in Catalonia 2018. On July 18 , they will be able to know the updated data of the technological sector in Catalonia, since, the new edition of the study will be presented. The Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya conducts, on a yearly basis, a quantitative analysis of the situation in the information and communication technology sector , with the objective of detecting the future challenges and vision of the sector.

The institutional welcome of the event will be led by Jordi Puigneró , Minister of Digital Policies and Public Administration, and Mr. Jordi William Carnes, president of the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya .

Registration is free and can be made through this link .