Imatge per il·lustrar la notícia sobre la nova estratègia blockchain de Catalunya
Imatge per il·lustrar la notícia sobre la nova estratègia blockchain de Catalunya. Author: Pexels. 2018. License: BY-SA.

A blockchain (chain of blogs) is a technology that allows you to perform a set of transactions without there being a prior trust between the parties and without the need for intermediaries. This technology guarantees transactions, makes them irrevocable and also makes them transparent . Everyone can check what transactions have been made, which allows consensus to be reached in a distributed manner.

The new blockchain strategy of Catalonia , coordinated by the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration, is based on a program of actions based on six axes :

  • Administration : improve public services through the adoption of blockchain and DLT technologies and bet by the Generalitat of Catalonia as a pioneer in its application.
  • Promotion : position Catalonia as a country of reference in blockchain and DLT within the international technological map and disseminate the opportunities and the impact it generates its deployment.
  • Innovation : promote research and innovation through research and technology centers, and develop innovation environments for their adoption in different sectors.
  • Ecosystem : promote a new industry around the blockchain and DLT technology and boost the demand for services and solutions associated to priority vertical sectors.
  • Talent : generate, retain and attract talent, both technological and entrepreneurial, with the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of this new industry.
  • Regulation : analyze the implications of the regulation on the deployment of this technology and how the applications that use it are regulated.

Some of the projects that will come to light soon in the framework of this program, can be found through this link .