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Foto de negocis per il·lustrar la notícia. Author: Rawpixel. Font: Freepik. License: BY-SA.

In a field of knowledge where the female presence is often blurred and still minority, this call aims to reward initiatives that have the purpose of generating activities and showing good practices to help build gender balance in the studies and in the TIC professions.

In this edition two modalities will be rewarded: professional and formative

  • Professional mode : For actions and programs that promote gender equity in professional and academic careers related to ICT.
  • Formative modality : For actions and success programs, both institutions and individuals, that promote gender equality in ICT studies of non-compulsory secondary education.

Any institution, group or person that has developed any initiative, program or action that has the objective of promoting gender equality in the educational and professional field of ICT can present projects.

A jury made up of personalities of the academic, professional, institutional or third sector in the field of ICT will evaluate the nominations submitted according to the criteria published in the presentation of the prize. The jury will be made up of a minimum of five people and will be published before the deadline for submitting candidatures.

The deadline for submission of candidates is scheduled on May 15.

The award ceremony will take place on June 20 in Barcelona at a place of cultural interest still to be determined. The prize consists of an economic grant of 2,500 euros for each one of the modalities.

You can consult the bases in the attached document.