1r Fòrum d'Inversió Cat Sud
1r Fòrum d'Inversió Cat Sud. Font: Diputació de Tarragona. License: All rights reserved.

The requirement is concerned projects constituted as a start-up in the last five years and based in Catalonia. Later, there will be the selection of the eight most innovative business ideas and better economic viability. People chosen project managers have at their disposal a training plan comprising three free workshops to hone skills and improve business performance. The sessions will be held from 17 to 28 October to address issues such as research capital for knowledge to lead and manage teams and prepare for high-impact presentations and defend them before the public investor. Finally, on November 8 will present the project in front of people interested investors to finance new business ideas in the Audience Council.

The aim of the forum is to facilitate the approach of entrepreneurship in individuals investors, provide education and training to make economically viable business projects and promote entrepreneurship in the regions of Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre.

Nominations should be sent by mail this form completed to address pao@dipta.cat.